Unused Baby Names


We all have them, list of baby names to consider for when the time comes.  I started mine before Little Man was born and he is now almost 4 1/2.  Now that I’m pretty sure we are done in the kid department after Baby J is born I feel like I should share.  But first the breakdown of the names chosen.

I don’t remember having a set boy or girl name before we knew that Little Man was a “Man”.  I just remember once we knew that he was a “Man” that it was between two names there for while, Liam or Lane.  With this one I had a full boy name and a full girl name before we knew the sex ready and waiting.  Once we found out it was a girl the name did evolve and change some.

Original Boy Name:  LOGAN HOLLIS

No connection to the names except that I liked them.  I have never heard of the name Hollis before and saw it on Facebook one day so it had the strong and unique factor.  With already having a boy I thought the first names should start with the same letter, Why do we do that people?  My mom is 1 of 4 girls that all start with P.  I am 1 of 2 girls that start with S.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against it.  I mean, if we were having a boy right now then I would be on that bandwagon too.

Original Girl Name: JOSSLYN SADIE

Josslyn has been on my list since before Liam.  It has the feminine and unique factor.  The spelling is different and modern, which I like.  Sadie just sounded pretty and rolled off the tongue.  BUT it was a little country and didn’t stick.  I really wanted a family name in there somewhere.  So I sat down with the Big Man and I told him that he could choose the middle name but he had to choose one of the following three:

Josslyn Jane (Grandmother’s Middle Name)

Josslyn Ann (Other Grandmother’s Middle Name)

Josslyn Teddie (Big Man’s Middle Name is Theodore after his grandfather so it is a girly version of the family name on his side)  Plus have a mentioned yet that I love Girl-Boy names?


Other Unused Girl Names:  Girls















and I know a lot of people will think this is on the wrong list but I love the idea of Logann for a girl.

Unused Boy Names:







I must have known I was going to have a girl in the back of my mind the whole time.  I really didn’t focus on those that much this time around.  I will say though that I do LOVE my boy name so if anyone wants to use it go right ahead!  I was very leery of it when the top baby names came out because Logan is in the top 10 boy names of 2011 or something like that but in the end I didn’t care I still loved it.




Don’t worry, I’m still here!!  I sort of lost the blog bug for a little while and hope that I catch it again with the soon to be birth of our baby girl!

Update:  The pregnancy has been going great.  I’m not a complainer so even if it wasn’t I’m not the one to say much different.  I have the usual late pregnancy stuff going on.  Heartburn, swollen feet and ankles.  It was stressful there for a couple of weeks/months but that was due to getting the room ready.

I insisted on having bead board in the room.  My husband and I are pretty handy people but we had never taken on a bigger job like that.  My husband did a wonderful job with a help of a friend.  It took longer then expected b/c of the weather and what not but none of that matters because it came out BEAUTIFULLY!!

I also insisted on having a girly blue color for the room.  There is just something about a girl and feminine blue with me.  I love it!  Here are some pics of the room.  Some phone pictures and some my sister took. Wish we would have stopped and taken more.  There are a couple of things that we didn’t get pictures of that I wish we would have now.






Another thing that came out ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFULLY was the Baby Shower/Sprinkle <3.  My two best friends put it on for me with the help of some others, 😉 they would not let me get involved at all.  I’m going to be honest, I was really upset at first because I love to party plan and craft and be creative.  But God knew what he was doing with them and I was able to put my efforts towards the baby room.  They blew my expectation out of the water and now I’m intimidated to put a shindig together when they are around.





Me with my Mom and Sister!


Me and the Hostesses and Besties!!

So there is a quick snap shot of the last couple of weeks.  After this Easter weekend I plan on taking it super slow and easy.  I’m getting to the, I’m really tired and don’t want to do much but wait I need to take care of this, while my husband gets really frustrated and insists that I sit down.  Thanks Babe!

Anyways, I hope that everyone has a Wonderful Easter and remembers what it is all about!


Getting Excited


I know I have not had a post in a long time and I’m sorry.  I have been busy scouring Blogs, Pinterest, Etsy, and anything else I can think of to get ideas for the Nursery.  It has been so much fun.  I have several DIY Projects in mind and almost ready to start.  I few things that we have to do to the actual room before we can start putting the room together.  When I say we, I really mean the Big Man.  He is such a sweet man and is humoring me with my decision to put up beadboard/wainscoting in the room.  Will post some before and after pictures when that’s done.

PROJECT #1 – Baby Mobile using the pattern below!

Pinned Image

Project #2 – Lamp 

Project #3 – Yarn Wrapped Letter


Project #4 – Painted Side Table 

Martha Stewart Living™ Ingrid End Table

Project # 5 – Repair and Paint Old Frames for Artwork

Pinned Image

Okay, that’s it for now!  I will hopefully have some “look what I did” pics soon!

We’re having a ……


I have not explained the happenings of finding out the gender of our baby on the blog.  Well if you remember I posted that we would hopefully find out on Dec. 8th.

I just knew that this baby was going to be like Little Man and not show us the goods and sure enough if he/she didn’t.  The Sonographer did everything she could to get a 100% on the sex of the baby.

Not only that but, I had this whole plan on how she was going to write the sex down and put it in an envelope so my sister could get a box of balloons and surprise us with the rest of our family.  It was going to be awesome.  Nope, didn’t happen.  I walked out of there disappointed but not surprised.  They basically told me that because they could see everything else with the baby and that the baby was completely healthy that it was not “deemed necessary” to do another sonogram.  I didn’t know what I was going to do.

I always knew that I wanted to have one of those 3D/4D Sonograms with this baby and even suggested it as a Christmas gift from my family.  So when my sister saw how disappointed I was she said she would go ahead and get that for us for Christmas, it included a quick “Gender Check”.  YAY!  

The next week I was going to California for business and would be gone all week so I knew that I was going to have to wait another week and possibly two because then it was Christmas week, ect.  So when I got back in to work on Monday and called about get an appointment she said, “I have one today at 3.”  I said, “I’ll take it!”  

I did not tell my husband or anyone else in my family in hopes that I could still pull out a surprise for someone and wait until Christmas to do a mini Gender Reveal.  I held on to that secret from Monday until Christmas Eve on Saturday.  It was hard but worth it.



So as you can see from the Pink Balloon, we are having a Girl!

Makes me SMILE week 50


A loving and understanding Husband.

Sleeping in after a long week traveling and away from home.

A Christmas Dinner with our closest friends.

Seeing Kids Christmas Excitement.

A meal I did not have to make or buy for.

A Family Sunday.

Little Man talking about the baby.

Big Man having dinner ready, food on the plate and plate on the table still warm when I got home late one night this week.

The Christmas Excitement and feeling of content this time of year.

The thought of baking cookies and getting ready for Santa with Little Man this weekend.

Last Christmas…..with JUST Little Man


Why is it that Christmas seems like it is a while away and then once it is here you start saying, “I can’t believe it is Christmas already!?”  Well, that is how I feel this week.  I also had the thought of “Wow, this is probably going to be the easiest Christmas I will have for a while too.”  Starting next year I will have double the gift buying, double the hiding and sneaking, double the projects and double the wrapping.  I hope I can handle it, I hope I can try to be the same Mommy to one as I am to two.

I also started thinking that I will have double the excitement, double the cuteness, double the love and joy of sharing such a wonderful time and the Love of Jesus.

So I’m soaking this Christmas in.  By this time next year everything will be such a blur and I will be trying to find my footing with two.  So I’m going to spend extra time with Big and Little…..uh, right after tonight and my last things of to do’s.

Makes me SMILE week 48 and part of 49


Man, I can not get my stuff together over here on the blog.  Because I will be out of town for most the week and have limited access I’m throwing in part of Week 49.  Can’t believe I have almost made it all 52 weeks.

Running errands as a family!

Marking things off my Christmas List.

Wrapping Presents.

A Lazy Sunday trying to stay cozy.

20 Week Sono, even though the baby would not let us see the goods!

Little Man’s Christmas Program.

A Surprise Date Night with Big Man!

A Breakfast Birthday Party!

A caring and servant heart husband.

Crossing more off the Christmas List.

A wonderful TCOC Christmas Program.

Catching Little Man singing “A baby change’s everything”


Makes me SMILE Week 46 and 47


Man, time off and not being in front of a computer has really messed me up with getting these out.  Here is another with 2 weeks in one!

Thanksgiving Lunch with Little Man at School.

Sleeping in on Saturday Morning, Thanks Babe!


Hanging with the Family and Besties.

3 Day work Week.

VERY impromptu Family outing to the movies.

Little Man’s face and reaction when we pick him up from school.  He is so excited to see me or Big, like he hasn’t seen us in a couple of days.

THANKSGIVING Dinner at our house with Family and Friends.

Thanksgiving Leftovers!

Christmas Decorating!

A new Car, thank you Lord!

Free Lunches at work!

Christmas Shopping! (even online shopping)


When am I going to be a grown up?


I swear, kids are great!  Lord only knows the random thoughts and things that go thru their heads.  This morning Little Man asked me,

“Mom, When am I going to be a grown up?”

I didn’t know exactly what to say, so I responded, “When you are old enough to live on your own without Mommy and Daddy”

I couldn’t see his face because we were in the car driving but the tone of his voice got real sad and he said, “I’m going to miss Mommy and Daddy.”

“Me to baby, me too!”