Tag Archives: Dallas-Fort Worth

Fort Worth Stockyards


So I was so lucky enough to have Veterans Day off at work this year.  I checked in with my sister to see what she was doing to ask if she wanted to meet us at the Dallas Arboretum and take photos of Little (she is the one with the fancy camera, but I will have my own one day) but then that turned into the Fort Worth Stockyards.  I let my Mom know what we were doing and she was not going to have it.  She was not going to be sitting at work knowing that both her Daughters and her cute Grandson were out at the Fort Worth Stockyards having fun.  So she took the day off too.  Brother-in-law came along too, we just needed my hubby and my Dad to make it complete but sadly they were working.  But we had enough fun for the both of them.  Sister and brother-in-law were nice enough to let me practice and get the hang of the camera.  I have to say that I think I did a pretty good job.  Now not all of these are all of the ones I took, as you will see, seeing how I am in half of them.  Some Sis took and some B-I-L.  Thanks for such a great Family Day, something we haven’t done in a long time!