Tag Archives: Love

Just What the Doctor Ordered


P.S.  Notice the effect on these pictures.  Doesn’t it look awesome, Vintage-Beachy.  If you have any beach or pool shots go on to Picnik and use the effect “Cross Process“.  I’m pretty sure it is a free effect so you don’t have to sign up and pay for it like you do with some of the others.  I fell in love with it the moment I clicked on it.

Please remember this


Dear Son,

PLEASE remember this week.  I know at the age of 3 years and 8 months that the chances of you remembering this trip long-term are probably very slim.  You will get to a point in life where you will think to yourself, Did we do that or did I dream that up?  I can only assume that it is going to be another very long time before we can have a true family vacation.  I feel like we do not get enough of these moments and I am always scared that we will not be able to do more things like this in the future, or near future anyways.  I want you to have your own life and not mirror mine or your fathers like I once thought.  But, there is one thing I want you to experience like me and that was family road trips, trips on the highway and stopping every couple of hours for a sightsee excursion, spending the days on a beach or by the lake.  Those were some of my fondest memories.  Fighting over the space in the back seat with my sister.  Coloring in our coloring books until the next stop. (No portable DVD or Ipod back in my day)   Sitting up front on the ice chest (no booster seats back in my day either) leaning in between my parents from the back of a van talking and looking out at the different scenery.  Going on a cave tour or crabbing or watching fireflies in the sky for the first time.

I hope you smell the air, feel the sun on your cheeks, taste the salty water on your lips, squish the sand in your toes, laugh out of no where and take it all in as much as a 3 year and 8 month old boy can appreciate.  Because one day you will be married with kids taking them to the beach and thinking back hopefully of this very week.

Hug-Hug, Kiss-Kiss!

Makes me SMILE week 19


A carefree Saturday Morning

Lunch at the park with Little Man and Mom!

Unexpected visit from the bestie out on the patio with pizza and beer.

Healing church service.

Big Man cleaning up the house and dishes while I caught up on some of my shows.

Playing in the sprinklers with Big and Little.

A wonderful meal and time with old friends.

Family game night.

My first attempt at the “Rose” Cake. 

Best Friend Surprise Birthday Party.



I took this picture of a leaf a couple of years ago because I mean look at it, it looks like a heart.  I never did anything with it and it just sat there in the hundreds of random pictures that you hold on to for some reason.  Well when I saw the wording of this verse written this way (can’t remember where) I thought that would look great with the leaf picture behind it.  So a couple of minutes in http://www.picnik.com to enhance the photo and to get the cool font and wallah!

I have an AMAZING Husband!


I have been blessed by God to have such an amazing husband.  I will have to remember this email from him the next time I get mad at him…..sorry babe, I had to brag!

I love you.

I know I have already told you, but I really do. You mean the world to me and my life would be a shell of what it is without you. You have, with God’s help, brought me from the darkness and into a world that means so much more. I am truly blessed to have you by my side. I hope that I can be as inspirational, gracious and uplifting to you as you have been for me. You are my partner and best friend.