Category Archives: Little

Telling Little Man


So, like the minute I told Big Man and we did the Hug and Kiss thing,  He goes over to Little Man and says Little Man…..

 Me: Nooooooo!

Him: What? He need’s to know.  

Me: Yes, but not right now lets wait a little.  Plus he is almost 4 he wont be able to keep it a secret.  (The whole time he is staring up at us like, What?)

Me: Oh, okay, it is too late, look at him!?!?

Big Man:  Mommy and Daddy have something to tell you,  Mommy is going to have a baby.

Little Man:  EYE’S Big-Mouth Open!

Me:  But it is going to be a long time because it has to grow in Mommy’s belly.

Little Man:  Mommy, why did you eat the baby?

Oh-my-gosh!  We were rolling, I almost fell on the floor!

5 minutes later:

Little Man: Mommy, where does the baby come out at?

Another Oh-my-gosh moment but in a different way.  Like, what the heck kind of can of worms did we just open?  He is not ready for “Girl Parts” talk is he?

Me:  The Hospital (I was like, yeah, cool answer, he might actually take it)

Little Man:  But how does the baby get out?

Me: We will discuss it when you get older.

Little Man: The baby is going to POP your belly off! Giggle.

The next morning getting ready for school:

Let me first start with a back story.  Little Man gets prizes at school if they are good all week.  Well he picked out these rings.  Green fake jewels in the shape of a heart.  He didn’t think anything of it expect that he wanted a ring on his finger like Mommy and Daddy.  Well Daddy was cool about it and after about a week kindly told him that those were girl rings.  So Little Man gave them to me, saying he didn’t want them anymore that they were for girls.

So while we were getting ready for school he saw the two rings and said, let’s save these for the baby! Aww!

And the most recent from this past weekend.  My mom was watching him and she asked him if he wanted me to have a boy or a girl.  Which by the way, every time you ask, hand down he wants a boy.

Little Man: I Boy, a boy like me and daddy.  Like me, it’s going to be me.

So he basically wants a clone brother.  I can’t blame him!

Thru the lens of a 3 year old.


Little Man has been loving my phone lately.  Besides the games he has been all about the camera and wanting to take pictures himself.  He also likes to toggle thru the different cameras with the “Retro Cam” App.  So I thought I would share these.


Our sweet dog Dimples, that I always feel so guilty about because she does not get the play time and attention she deserves.

Me again.

Big Man, pickin’ a tune.

Out of the mouths of babes.


Let me start with the back story.  We have seen TRON and we have seen it about 6 times.  And as Little Man is at home today with a rash that the doctor said he needed to stay at home with and away from school because of it.   Daddy said he would get him a movie from Red Box his request, TRON.

Sunday we were outside playing in the sprinklers with Little Man.  While we were out there Care-flight flew over our neighborhood and as I normally do, I try to explain things.  So I pointed out the colors on the helicopter and explained to him that when he sees that type of helicopter that it is called Care-flight and that it is like an ambulance in the sky.  That when people are hurt and they can’t get to the hospital fast enough by car that they will get them there by a special helicopter.

Without missing a beat he goes.  “Yeah, they probably got their arm cut off by a robot.”

P.S.  If you have not seen Tron please understand there is no blood and guts so as you might think that the scene of a someone’s arm being cut off is too gruesome for a 3 1/2 year old, well, see the movie and then you can chime in.

My Baby is gone


Now we all know kids can’t be babies for ever and, I’m okay with that but, it is sad when they get older and little parts of what was being a baby start to disappear.  Now it feels like Little Man has been a “big boy” for a while now.  When we put him in daycare it seemed like he was growing by leaps and bounds.  His speech, his independence, his eating, ect.  He has always seemed to be a little ahead of the curve when it comes to motor skills, walking at 10 months, throwing and jumping, ect. and with potty training he seemed pretty young for a boy from what I can tell.  But there was always this one thing that I kept holding on to.  It was something he would say when he wanted to be picked up.  “Mommy, I hold you”  I know it might not seem like much but he would always say it and it always made me smile.  I mean the thought of Little holding me?  It was always in a soft voice of “Mommy, I houldjew”  Well, it’s gone,  what is even worse is I didn’t know it was gone.  I don’t know when he lost it!  It had to have been somewhere between October and now and I didn’t even realize it.   Is life that busy and fast that we don’t see our children right in front of our faces?   Again, I’m one of those people who understand life is ever-changing, always going and aging, so I love that Liam is a smart, funny and healthy little guy, I just miss the baby every now and then.