Tag Archives: Little Man

When am I going to be a grown up?


I swear, kids are great!  Lord only knows the random thoughts and things that go thru their heads.  This morning Little Man asked me,

“Mom, When am I going to be a grown up?”

I didn’t know exactly what to say, so I responded, “When you are old enough to live on your own without Mommy and Daddy”

I couldn’t see his face because we were in the car driving but the tone of his voice got real sad and he said, “I’m going to miss Mommy and Daddy.”

“Me to baby, me too!” 

Where have I been?


I wish I could give you some totally impressive answer like in the Mountains skiing, or on a beach in Florida or camping in some national park.  No, I have been at home and work and doing the normal life stuff.  BORING!  Life has been so of the norm that I guess I have not been inspired lately and have left this blog sparse with any coolness.  Not that I had much before.

Baby B (B, as in Second Child, B, as in last name starts with B, Not B, as in that is what the name is going to start with.) is growing right along with the size of my belly!  Little Man seems to still be happy about he whole thing and every now and then he will want to hug, kiss, sing or listen to the baby.  I can’t get over how big he is.  We are also excited that we will have an ultrasound in the next 3-4 weeks, and yes we are going to find out the gender!  We have already cleared out the “Toy Room” to make it the baby room.  Which took some work, Organizing, Donating and furniture buying to accommodate the toys being in other parts of our house.  Now we just need to pull out all the baby gear from the attic and see what we have and don’t have and if there is anything to re-buy.

We are gearing up for Thanksgiving this year.  This will be the first Thanksgiving at our house so our first Turkey too!  I have been on The Food Network Website watching videos and taking notes.  Should be interesting!  It will be Potluck so we will really only have to worry about the Turkey and a dessert.  So imagine me doing that thing where I pretend to wipe away sweat from my brow meaning that was a close one and we got away with something.  I can’t fathom having to do a whole Thanksgiving meal.

I have also been trying to spend as much time with my two best friends seeing how soon it will only be one best friend.  That’s right, two of the very most important people in my life of all time (Bestie and her daughter) are moving.  Moving 1200 miles away.  Do you know what 1200 miles is?  It is, life is so busy and I am not rich enough to just hop on a plane when I want that it will be years before we see each other again.  I have shed soo many tears over this and if I think about it too long they start pouring out of my eyes before I can suck them back in.  But that is another post.  Right now there is no set date just a cloud of know that we don’t have much time looming over us.

Well, that’s it for now.  I hate to end on a sad note.  I wish there was more to write or post about lately and I’m sorry there’s not.  I will have a fun post coming soon about old wives tales soon.  I hope that all your Thanksgiving planning is coming along and that everyone is spending it with the people they love!  Oh and great food, the best part!  





Makes me SMILE Week 43


Seeing Little Man visit and hang with the In-Laws.  (We don’t see them often)

Being back to church after missing two weeks in a row, it felt like I hadn’t been in a month.

Halloween Night, Had a great time with Little Man and Little Miss A at Trunk or Treat!

Growing Belly!

New Clothes for the growing belly.

Baby Names.

Hanging with the boys while they fish, even if it was for only 30 minutes because I can’t stand the cold.

Makes me SMILE week 41


6 Year Wedding Anniversary.

Stores like Kid to Kid, Momma’s on a budget!

The Pumpkin Patch with Bestie and Little Miss A.

Hearing the baby’s heart beat at check ups!

Little Man’s 4th Birthday!

Big Man helping out.

Hanging with one of the Besties!

The count down to my trip to see my Granny in Louisiana. (75th Birthday Celebration)

3,2,1….Blast Off!


I can’t believe my boy is 4!  That’s crazy!  Here is a run down of his birthday party!  We had an “at home” party this year.

THEME and Decor – Space/Rockets

Started with Lunch since we started at Noon: 

I really played off the theme and used space terms like Rocket Dogs for the Hot Dogs (search on Pinterest) Little Dippers for the nuggets, Jet Fuel for the Lemonade, ect.  I also used a printable birthday package that you can find here for the decor and all labels.  They had so much to choose from.  www.thecelebrationshoppe.com   They have everything you need to complete a party.


So, I was kind of concern about the kids and the “activities”.  I didn’t realize that at this age and maybe it is a boy thing, they were totally content playing in Liam’s room and playing ball outside in the back yard.  Speaking of the back yard.  It wouldn’t be a party without one of these incidents taking place.  Ladies and Gentlemen this would be a face plant in the dirt.  Which is basically our back yard.  We have no grass.

Look at that poor face! 😦

Activity One:  Rocket Balloons, which you can find at Party City, Target, Wal-Mart pretty much anywhere.  Long balloons with a little pump.  Upside.  Good fun with balloons that you don’t know where they are going and make funny noises.  Downside.  That little pump that takes forever to blow up the balloon and when you have a group of kids waiting for their turn it seems like it takes even longer.

Activity Two:  Rocket Darts.  Which is basically like these yard darts I found at Toys-R-Us, reminds you of horse shoes.  These were kind of a bust.  They were boys, so what did they want to do.  See how far they could throw them.  They didn’t care about the target after about 5 minutes or keeping score.

Activity Three:  Rocket Launch.  I looked all over the internet for these.  There were little ones that were good for a toddler and there were big ones that were good for like 10+ YO.  Not to mention we were in a neighborhood so we couldn’t go to terribly high.  So we got these sling shot type of rockets and I was hoping that the kids could help.  My husband would set them up and the kids would help with the sling shot part.  Well, didn’t work. 😦  It was too hard for them to pull back and for my husband to hold steady.  So they all just watched him and then ran after the little rockets once they hit the ground.  Which with little boys turned into competition.




The Birthday Boy had a great time and loved having all his friends over.  I put this post together pretty fast so if I left something out and you have any questions please feel free to ask.

No, I’m going to get you Optimus Prime.


This was on our way to school this morning.

Me: Did you know that Mommy has a Birthday coming up?

Little Man: Big Gasp….I want to get you something.

Me: Well, you need to tell Daddy and he will take you to go pick something out.

Little Man: I’m going to get you a toy.

Me: Well, don’t you think Mommy might want something more for grown ups or girly?

Little Man: No, I’m going to get you Optimus Prime….. and Bumble Bee.

Really Son?  So Ladies, it starts earlier then we ever knew.  This logic that boys have of getting something for a girl that is really for them.  Well, my Son has it.

Makes Me SMILE Week 34


The start of a long over due project!

Little Man’s room into a little man’s room and not a toddler room. (This is a Happy-Sad)

I family night at the ball park, Go Rangers!

The house back in order after the weekend.  It was a TOTAL. MESS.

Dinner with Bestie J.

Start of the Fall Blastball season!

Skimming over Halloween Costumes already.

Super Silly Moments with Little Man.  (If you think I’m goofy, just give this kid some time.)

Oh, I’ll Remember That!


Yay, I get to save money by not having to buy anymore toys!  I guess I should explain…

We give Little Man “Certificates” when ever he tries something new to eat and after 5 of them he can trade them in for a new toy. It can take months to get 5.   So now he is back to 1.

Well I guess he is over it. I was asking him if he wanted strawberries, that they were sweet like fruit snacks and that he would get a certificate.

“I don’t want any more toys, I already have a lot.”

“Oh, really?”

“I will have to remember that next time we are at the store and you start asking for a one!”

Makes Me SMILE Week 33


Date Night with Little Man.

God’s will in the works.

Dinner with some great people.

MY Baptism!


Seeing my Sister!

Little Man’s sense of humor.

We were getting ready for school and he picked up a comb, put it over his eye and said, I’m a pirate!

This View, Scattered Showers over North Texas!



Little Man’s is finally out of this Toddler Bed!


Makes me SMILE Week 32



Little Man Playing in the puddles.

Tea Party.

Big Man taking Little Man fishing.

Little Man’s silly tan lines. (They got home from fishing and Little Man had gotten in the water and was dirty.  SO I had to strip him at the door and give him a bath.  I saw his little feet while his sandals were still on and I asked my husband, Are his feet dirty or are they that tanned?  Big Man looked at his feet and then at me and did the, I dunno? look. )  After scrubbing here are his sandal tan lines.

Swimming and Dinner provided by Bestie M, even though she wasn’t even there!

Free Lunch!

Oh, and I’m getting Baptized this weekend at the lake!